
Holiday Madness

This is my first time attempting to blog from a mobile device. I'm so hip, it hurts. With any luck, I will manage to capitalize and punctuate within reason while not falling victim to the only-somewhat-useful Autofill. Autofill gets a big kick out of tricking me into saying things like, "I'd really like a cheeks sandwich" when I text from said mobile device, causing me to look like an idiot and confuse the textual recepient at the same time. Stupid Autofill. Someone needs to come up with a context assistant for it.

The holidays are in full swing and in the midst of my childlike christmas joy, I'm becoming increasingly burnt the hell out. I have nine varieties of cookie to bake, several people that I have yet to shop for, a sizeable pile of presents to wrap (which will consequently grow larger once my shopping mission next weekend is accomplished), and one knitted scarf to complete in the next two weeks. And lets talk about that scarf for a second. That bastard will be FOUR skeins worth of yarn when its complete. Ridiculous. The happy news is that so far, my christmas spirit is still holding up quite well. In fact, I continually have to repress the irrational urge to buy/make gifts for every single person I know. I feel that such an attitude is perhaps endearing, but I'm still sane enough to realize that beyond the time-management complications that would come with attempting to be a one-woman gift factory, it would surely plunge me into financial ruin. So if you only recieved a tepidly funny christmas card from me, try not to take it too personally; I wanted to get you something that you might actually keep, but that damn money tree out back is still not blooming.

My fear this christmas is that my knitted/crocheted creations won't excite the recipients nearly as much as they tickle me.

This concludes the first-ever mobile device blog. For the record, Autofill attempted to pull a fast one on me exactly five times.

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