
Best Xmas Ever?

Let me be the first to point out the boldness of that statement. However, in light of recent developments this holiday season, I am willing to put myself out there by saying that this year may wind up being the best Xmas of my existence.

First was the surplus of money in my bank account at the start of the holiday-spending season for the first time in my adult life. It caused me much glee because for once I knew that I would be able to successfully gift all neccessary persons without stressing balls about a lack of fundage. Next was the rediscovery of my ability to knit. My grandma (Glenda to those who knew her) taught me the highly useful trick when I was roughly eight years old, but after she passed away I stopped knitting and slowly forgot that I knew how. Well, upon the dawning of this new age of knitting I have learned that I'm not only fairly good at it, but that I also very much enjoy creating stuff out of yarn and have become thusly inspired to attempt to make a little money doing it. More to come on that topic in future blogs, I assure you.

Thirdly, I came across a wonderful magazine segment that contains a dozen recipes for cookies that I had never considered making before. Gift idea? I think so. So in the past week I've been in a baking/knitting frenzy, but its been so gratifying to see all the things I've been able to create. Next was the excitement surrounding the annual Toys for Tots drive at work. Last Friday I happened to peek into the solitary box that had been set up, only to see that only six toys had been deposited, and with the drop-off deadline swiftly approaching, I felt a personal responsibility to take action. As I passed people in the hangar, I harrassed them for not putting a toy in the box and began threatening busted kneecaps if the guys didnt get it together and donate a toy. At one point I offered to even go buy a toy FOR them if they coughed up some cash and, lo and behold, somebody called my bluff. People started handing me cash and I started getting excited about the possibility that I could actually make a difference. First $50 accumulated, then $100. I got Alicia involved and in one day we raised $305! The next day her and I went on amassive toy-buying adventure and we were able to snap up nearly sixty toys to put in the box. By the time everthing was said and done, we had two huge boxes filled to the top with toys for underprivleged kids. It warmed my heart and the response to our efforts was so positive that Alicia and I have decided to do it again next year and expand our efforts enormously.

Lastly is possibly the biggest reason for rejoice. Shaun asked me to start picking out a ring. :)

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