
Family Business

After nearly six long years, I have reconnected with my little sister today. My excitement and joy are beyond description. I thought for certain that I had seen the last of her, but indeed she exists in her native N.C. and is not only all grown up these days, but she is also a full six inches taller than me. I had a delightful time stalking her on Myspace while we caught up a little via my favorite form of communication: the text message. 

I'd like to take a moment to digress so that I may wax poetic about my love of txting. Its title is quite apt; dropping that one innocent e makes typing the word more expedient. Why bother taking the time to look up a contact, press Send, enjoy the music while your party is reached (which is usually a shitty recording of a shitty song), in order to communicate to said party that you wish to know "wuz up"? In the same time frame I can use txting to recite a minorly abbreviated version of War and Peace to my chum and still discover just WHAT is up. 

Anyway, my sis, who I will call S for the purpose of this blog as she is still a minor, has tuned into this incredibly cute teenager who is apparently a very skilled equestrian. The last time I saw her, she was roughly 10 or 11 so it came as quite a shock to see present-day pictures of her. She actually looks like SHE could feasibly be the older sibling. I am looking forward to getting to know my sister again.

In related news, my little brother officially has facebook. It's a big day. 


Phone Tag

All I want to do is speak to one semi-intelligible, breathing human being about the Culinary Arts program. I may be biased, but it seems like such a small favor from someone whose job its supposed to be to woo me into choosing the school in question. Damn Art Institute, why do your phone jockeys elude me so?

I've been coming to the slow and sickening realization this year that the majority of the population is, in fact, on the cusp of de-evolving back into grunting, ignorant cave-folk. I think it really started to hit me during the build-up to the presidential election. Each day, just when I was certain that people couldn't possibly be more misguided and judgemental, some moron would utter something so ridiculous and un-founded that it blew all previous stupidity right out of the water. Some of my personal favorites:

1. Obama is a socialist and plans to redistribute wealth (realize that this is coming from the mouth of someone who is barely making ends meet, bitching about the idea of rich people unassing some wealth).

2. Sarah Palin should be Vice President because she's hot. This comment came not from an over-sexed college oaf, but from a rational, grown man of roughly 35.

3. Obama is a Muslim. Apparently not being a Christian is the same as being a terrorist.

4. Obama is in fact a terrorist. OBVIOUSLY, Obama rhymes with OSAMA, duh.

There were of course many more examples, but I don't wish to belabor the point. At any rate, hooray for our soon-to-be Pres, I'm looking forward to seeing someone give a State of the Union without sounding like a complete dumb ass.

Its already starting to feeling holiday-y. Every year it happens earlier. The evil subliminal Christmas message has already started working on me. I went into Meijer for approximately 20 minutes on Sunday and by the time I left I was ready to go home and start dragging out all the holiday decorations. I also had a strange urge to bake many pies and give them to people. The holiday music in the store penetrated somewhere deep within my brain apparently, because at the sight of wrapping paper and stockings I began to get giggly and if I remember correctly, I believe I actually jumped up and down at the thought of making custom-adorned sock-shaped receptacles for Shaun and myself, in which I would place small goodies for him and he would do likewise after much hen-pecking by me. I think Shaun either pretends to hate Christmas, but secretly pines for it, or he actually does hate Christmas and is dreading my inevitable frenzy of holiday binge-baking and 1st degree apartment-bedecking. He'll just have to suck it up and pretend to enjoy eating christmasy delights and receiving gifts. He's so abused....

Only 43 shopping days left.